Statutory Education Licence 2025 rate card

Non-Commercial Educational Institution

"Non-Commercial Educational Institution" means an educational institution that is not conducted for the profit, direct or indirect, of any individual or individuals.

Equivalent Level of Study

Fee per


University — Graduate or
Undergraduate courses

EFTSU or EFTSL as applicable* $41.63
VET Level — Diploma or Certificate Full-time equivalent (FTE)** $10.29
Secondary — Digital and Hardcopy Full-time equivalent student $16.88

Primary — Digital and Hardcopy

Full-time equivalent student $16.88
Preschool / Kindergarten

Licensed number of daily places


Adult Education and Community
College — Non-Vocational Courses,
no Certificates issued

Enrolment number $0.28
Minimum fee


* EFTSU means equivalent full time student unit and EFTSL means equivalent full time student load

** VET Full-Time Equivalent students (FTE) = Number of modular hours divided by 540

For example: if you have 100 students studying 10 hours per week for 10 weeks, the calculation would be 100 (students) x 10 (hours) x 10 (weeks) = 10,000 hours. Then divide the 10,000 hours by 540 to get the number of FTE students (10,000 / 540 = 18.52). This is the FTE number to be used to multiply the rate.

Commercial Educational Institution

"Commercial Educational Institution" means an educational institution that is not a Non-Commercial Educational Institution. This section does not apply to TEQSA Registered Commercial Educational Institutions


0.25% of gross receipts*

Minimum fee


* "Gross receipts" means the annual gross turnover from all training activity including, without limitation: - all student fees including enrolment fees, tuition fees, library fees and course material fees; - fee for service training; and - government funded and employer funded placements.

Commercial Educational Institutions (TEQSA Registered)

This section applies specifically to Commercial Educational Institutions that are registered with TEQSA and offer TEQSA accredited courses.

For the higher education portion of their education delivery, these institutions can choose to pay a fee of either:

  • 0.25% of gross receipts; OR
  • $46.26 per EFTSU or EFTSL as applicable

For the non higher education portion of the institution's education delivery (if applicable), the licence fee is 0.25% of gross receipts.